About the Progressive Alternatives Society of Calgary (PASC)
PASC was formed on the principles of Normalization, and is still guided by this theory and its successor, Social Role Valorization (SRV). Many of the staff have taken this training, and participated in its teaching. PASC also adopts a Person Centered Approach, planning and pursuing social roles that fit with the person’s unique identity and strength.
We try to avoid the word client when referring to the people we support and substitute ‘person we support’ or sometimes ‘participant’ – real names are preferable. We support adults with developmental disabilities and are, aside from fundraised dollars, solely dependent on PDD as a funding source.
PASC Overview
PASC provides support on a 1:1 basis. Direct support staff are called Facilitators and are, ideally, hired to support people for whom they are a good match in temperament and personality, and who have skills and an identity appropriate to the person’s life goals (for instance, someone seeking a career as an artist would be best supported by another artist, who would understand that community).
Senior staff are called Resource Coordinators. They are responsible for all paperwork for the people we support, as well as all aspects of case coordination: intake, planning, hiring, training, and supervision of Facilitators, troubleshooting and advocacy. Often they will provide direct support to people if a situation is complex, by way of training and modelling for Facilitators, or as relief when a Facilitator is not available.